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Your gut is telling you a story. Are you listening?

Call it gut instinct


But I’m guessing that you found this corner of the internet because you’re ready to make sense
of what your body is trying to tell you.


Tell me if this sounds familiar :


  • You’re well-versed in all of the health-world hashtags

  • Your treasure trove of wellness freebies is collecting digital dust

  • You’ve experienced whiplash from the “try this”, “no, try that” messaging

  • You’ve heard “everything looks normal” from your doctor…even though your skin, headaches, and periods tell you otherwise


I get it, sis. I was there just a few years ago, doing all of those things because I needed help. I was feeling miserable after meals, unbuttoning my jeans because of the bloat. I was cancelling plans because of debilitating period headaches or unable to get myself out of a pit of depression. I was following intense work-out plans and fad diets without seeing results. I was SO tired of laughing it all off or hearing “this is just what getting older is”. I KNEW there had to be a better way.

Luckily, this is not where my story ended.

It’s not the end of YOUR story either.
You and I are going to change the dang narrative.


Are you ready?



Hey there, I'm Lanie

SO stoked you’re here! I’m gut-health-obsessed and passionate about helping women connect the dots between crappy digestion and finding relief from weird poops, painful periods, brain farts and hanger episodes. I KNOW you’re tired of throwing your hands in the air and spaghetti at the wall.

Hang up your worries, girl, I’m here to help you block out the noise because it’s time to listen to
your gut.

  Your Healing Journey is Not Linear  

Let’s work together to overcome the overwhelm, simplify the systems and build a strong foundation so you are successful no matter the twists and turns you encounter along the way.


"You can’t go back and change the beginning

but you can start where you are and change the ending" - CS Lewis

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